Food Storage

I live in Utah where it’s almost a requirement for residency to have food storage. I know, I thought it was pretty strange too but out here, everyone has one. I didn’t think too much about it until I became a single parent and then I could see the wisdom of having food storage, just in case. My problem became, number one, how to organize all this food, and number two, what should be in my food storage. Initially I had cases of cans under beds and in closets, boxes of cereal piled in the laundry room, everywhere I looked … Continue reading

Pre-Packaged Preparedness Kits

One way to cut down on the time and planning it takes is to purchase already packaged preparedness kits. There are a few different companies, and they each have a variety of kits that you can purchase to suit the needs of your particular family. What types of preparedness kits are available? You can food supply kits, water kits, food storage kits, kitchen processing items, medical and first aid kits, power charges, shelter kits, navigation kits, and cooking supplies. Food supply kits are the most popular for purchase because they put all of the food that you might need for … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking: How Do I Store My Meals In The Freezer (2)

Freezer cooking is one of the easiest ways to save time and money. However, with that comes the challenge of what to freezer your items in. Obviously we have to be careful what we store items in, since heating up certain items, in certain ways would be a challenge if we used the wrong type of storage. There probably is no wrong way to store, and I have tried many things and never had anything not work, I’ve just had some items take longer because of how I’ve stored them. I’ve already shared with you my plastic storage containers and … Continue reading