Will Your Baby Remember This?

My oldest daughter was six weeks old when the first installment of the most recent set of Star Wars movies came out. Now my husband is a pretty easy going guy and not a lot ruffles his feathers. But we HAD to go see that movie in the movie theatre or he may have spontaneously imploded. Since I was breastfeeding and not willing to leave my daughter at that point (pumping was NOT my friend) we brought her with us to go see Star Wars. We joke in our house that our children have to be under 3 months or … Continue reading

Things You Should Do For Yourself Right Now

Are you someone who makes an effort to help, comfort, and pamper your loved ones? It has been said that many people take much better care of their friends and family than they do of themselves. Typically, there are more women than men that have this tendency, but it does include both genders. Now is the time to start taking good care of yourself, too! Here are some things you can start with right this minute. LifeBuzz posted an article that contained 30 things that everyone should start doing for themselves. You can view it as a guide to better … Continue reading

Hair Loss After Baby – Don’t Panic, It Is Normal

While you are pregnant, you may sometimes wonder about what life will be like after the baby is born. Many things will happen after the baby is born, like getting to know your baby, learning to care for your baby, experiencing what it feels like to not be pregnant any more, and watching your baby grow and change. There are also other, more minor things that may happen too. You may not know about some of them until they happen because they are not really things that people talk about that much. Postpartum hair loss is an example of something … Continue reading

Tips for Designing Your Nursery

Many parents – to – be get a great deal of enjoyment out of preparing their homes for their new babies. Designing a special nursery for a new arrival can be a lot of fun, even if you are working with a tight space and/or a tight budget. Here are a few tips and ideas to get you started – with a little of your own creativity, your nursery will be a one of a kind sanctuary where you and your baby can relax. Save on furniture costs by mixing and matching store bought pieces with basic shelves and bookcases that … Continue reading

Seven Ways to Save $1,000 for Your Emergency Fund

Dave Ramsey, financial guru who has helped so many families get out of debt, recommends that most of us start on the path to financial solvency by first saving up $1,000 toward an emergency fund. By having a solid emergency fund, we are less likely to go into debt, should the unexpected happen, such as the home furnace needing to be replaced, the car needing to be repaired, or the experience of a medical crisis. Saving that $1,000 is the first step of Ramsey’s overall get-out-of-debt plan. How can you save that much when there doesn’t seem to be any … Continue reading

Your Presence is the Best Present

Forget about the fancy triple chocolate cookie pops, the pricey heart covered Build-a-Bear, and the massive red and white mylar balloon bouquet you were planning to gift your child with this Valentine’s Day.  Save your money and present your son or daughter with your presence on February 14th and in the days, weeks and months that follow. While candy, stuffed animals and shiny inflatables typically rank high on a child’s Valentine’s Day gift wish list, most kids would likely trade in the treats for one-on-one time with mom and dad. Life is hard enough for youngsters, so knowing that they … Continue reading

My Baby Has Started Hitting

My little guy is almost 14 months old. In almost all aspects of my life, he is pure joy. I could do without the sleepless nights we are still having, and the screaming, but for the most part, I love him just like he is. Except for one little nasty habit he has started. Hitting. Really? I don’t remember either of my other two doing this at this age. Maybe time heals all wounds and I have just forgotten? But, in all seriousness, I felt kind of sad about it, and have been wondering what to do. After all, he … Continue reading

A Baby Will Turn You Into Someone Different Than You’ve Ever Imagined

My youngest sister has her first baby now. And, as a result, I think I have become her go-to person when she is wondering anything about motherhood. From breastfeeding, to “what’s that!”, to “should I worry?” questions, it has brought us a little closer as sisters. We are 8 years apart in age, but now it seems like now that she is a Mom, we have plenty to talk about. I look at her reaction to things and smile now that I have have survived 3 newborns. She texted me the other day to let me know that she had … Continue reading

What Will You Name Your Baby?

One of the most difficult things that you may do while you are pregnant is to decide on a name for your baby. Of course, the decision does not usually happen during one short conversation. Naming your baby may take weeks if not months of thinking, negotiating, and pondering. Sometimes, a name might just come out during a conversation and either one or both of you will say, “That’s it! That’s the one.” That is what happened when my husband and I were naming our first son. I knew that I really wanted my father’s name (James) as the baby’s … Continue reading

How to Talk to Your Kids about the Economic Crisis

“How can I talk to my kids about the economic crisis?” It is a common question that most parents face today. As prices on consumable goods rise, from food and gas to the cable bill, and families feel themselves pinched, even the youngest children are starting to notice that things around them are changing. Neighbors and friends may be moving away, favorite stores and restaurants may be closing, and everyone seems to have to sacrifice something they enjoy just to get through this time. Parents should see this time in our history as a teaching moment, but the lessons should … Continue reading